Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Day 883: Start The New Year With Some LOTTO MADNESS Winners!

We Have Four New LOTTO MADNESS Winners!

Could it be You?
Remember you only have 72 hours until the countdown timer goes to 0:00 to claim your prize.
Don’t forget to register at LOTTO MADNESS !
Register for all 6 of our LOTTO MADNESS Draws!
Have your chance to Win Millions 6 Days a Week!!
New Zealand Powerball – Saturday
EuroMillions – Tuesday – Friday
Spain’s BonoLoto – Monday – Tuesday – Wednesday – Friday
US Powerball – Wednesday – Saturday
Brazil’s Mega-Sena – Wednesday – Saturday
Russia’s Gosloto – Sunday

LOTTO MADNESS! Win up to $ 10,000,000. (Ten Million USD)! 12 draws every week. We play 6 of the World’s Biggest Lotteries for a chance for You to win! Use your new “weplayyouwin” reflink in your My Profile to invite new members so they too can have a chance to play in the LOTTO MADNESS!
UPDATE, when going to the LOTTO MADNESS page you will be sent to the landing page. If you are logged in, click on More Info next to one of the lottery names listed in the top, right hand side box. You may be prompted to login.

Now You can Win 6 Prizes!
The member with the most clicks at PRIZE MANIA and the member with the most visits to any PI page will each win 100DP. The winners will be chosen daily at 10:00 pm Pacific.
Go check to see if You were one of the Daily Winners!
You could be the winner of the $ 2,655 PRIZE MANIA Jackpot!
You must claim your prize within 1 hour from the time your ID is drawn. You could win Cash, a Camera, a Phone,a Surprise Gift, and now Jewelry or a Shopping Jackpot now at 94750 DP!
Use your PRIZE MANIA reflink to add new members to join you in PI and gain DealPOINTs!

 Here is a Special Gift just for You
Click HERE
Have You Tried LOTTEFREE?

You could win Cash or DEALPOINTS!

There are four (4) prize categories:
“Last 2 Digits”, “Last 3 Digits”, “All 4 Digits” and “Cash Jackpot”.

Category “Last 2 Digits”: Winners will receive 25 DEALPOINTs to be added to their balance and the winning entry will qualify as an entry for the next Jackpot Draw.

Category “Last 3 Digits”: Winners will receive 250 DEALPOINTs to be added to their balance and the winning entry will qualify as an entry for the next Jackpot Draw.

Category “All4 Digits”: Winners will receive 2,500 DEALPOINTs to be added to their balance and the winning entry will qualify as an entry for the next Jackpot Draw.

Don’t Miss the January 15th
General Family Webinar

Where We Will Have Our Second Live Drawing For
The Next Jackpot!
All category winners since our last drawing
will be in the next

Live Jackpot Drawing where a 4 digit number

be randomly drawn,
one number at a time.

If that number matches one of your winning entries exactly…
You could be our Jackpot Winner!
There could also be ties.

Nobody Won the first Jackpot
so $ 500 more was added!

Tip/Thought of the Day: (Presented by Abla)

“If you look at what you have in life, You will always have more. If you look at what you do not have in life, You will never have enough”
-Oprah Winfrey
Translations Available:
PI Новости на Русском Russian (Updated Link)

You are a dreamer,
and you are an achiever.
May you dream and achieve bigger feats,
with every passing year.
All the best for the new year.